Yay for Weekends!

Its the weekend!!

I'm so ready for a weekend. Its been an amazingly stressful week at work, and although there was ZERO stress eating, I'm so glad that the workweek is done.

Today was the first day of my Monday-Friday day job, which is such a switch after years of rotating shifts and weekends. I'm home so early! This is the first time I've ever been home from work before my husband.

I logged in 230.5 today, which is another pound lost. It is amazing to me that this works. lol Ridiculous, I know! But some level of calorie restriction and regular exercise is apparently the trick, and I'm thrilled.

So yay for sticking with it....and now I'm off to a purse party, wish me luck for sticking to the budget!


Bonnie said...
January 25, 2009 at 9:35 AM

Congratulations on the loss.