The Biggest Loser!

Yay for Biggest Loser! I'm so psyched about BLBE (Go Team Lynn!!)

Ok, I will confess that I never watched Biggest Loser regularly before now- frankly it was a reminder of how fat I was, and I didn't like seeing the people who weighed what I did. But I have reformed! I was totally sucked in within the first 5 minutes, and I can't wait for next week! I don't do well with suspense, this is going to be a loooong week. lol And I'm currently downloading Season 6 on iTunes as I write this, I'm feeling the need to catch up!

And is it just me, or is it cruel to split the teams up after only a week? I'll admit that I don't know if that's normal elimination process, but it still seems cruel! I was really impressed by the white team though- impressive weight loss in one week, and after such a scare. Wow!

The yellow team kind of caught my heart- during the weigh in, I think it was Mandi who said she never let her husband see her like that. Since I met Marmot, I've gained a whopping 57 pounds. 57 pounds! This is Marmot and I when we started dating in April 2007.

This is Marmot and I on Christmas Day 2008. I have a fat face and pudgy fingers. I cropped my ass out of the picture too, which is awful.

Another reason to add to my list of, Why I'm Doing This- I want to have a better body for my husband (who by the way, has only gained 18 to my 57 since we met. Damn!)
Activity Report: So last night I was feeling better and did a good workout on the treadmill, and even got my water in. Today was even better, down another pound on the scale and I did a kick-ass workout with almost twice the incline work that I did the day before, including 3 minutes of running. The dog sat and watched me as I was yelling at myself to move it, I can do this, this is to work off all the damn donuts on my ass- Max was looking at me like I'd lost my mind, but I did the hardest workout I've done yet!

Food Report: intake today includes 2 slices of this amazing challah bread, 1 Tb of butter, 2 cups of brussel sprouts with butter and salt, 1/2 cup of applesauce, two cups of white rice, and a cup of stir-fry (sauteed beef tips, chopped onions, green and red peppers). WW points total of 21 points, which means I need to find something to eat before bed? What a weird problem. lol

So that's my story for the day! Hope you all had a fabulous Wednesday, we can do this!! :-)


Dieting Diva said...
January 7, 2009 at 9:06 PM

I was hooked last night as well watching the Biggest Loser! I love that show! I was so sad to see them send home 9 people! I have to admit though that I loved the message that it was sending- that you can do this at home. I can't wait to see what happens next week!!!

Congratulations on your one pound weight loss today!! One pound closer to your goal weight- YEAH!

Danielle said...
January 8, 2009 at 1:59 AM

You sound like you are doing great job at keeping the momentum going!
Congratulations on the weight loss... it shows you are doing good stuff.

Those pictures are absolutely adorable!

Boo Bear's Place said...
January 8, 2009 at 12:45 PM

lets go team Let's kick some butt

♥♥♥ Karen ♥♥♥ said...
January 8, 2009 at 2:21 PM

Go Team Lynn - we can kick butt! I understand weight gain and getting married. I have gained about 80 lbs since I got married in 1999! I hate my picture taken! Let's lose this weight!