My 25 Weight-Loss Randoms...

This truly is a journey, and I've picked up so many useful (or not-so-useful) things along the way!

1. Every time I join Weight Watchers, I get de-motivated and quit, then gain 10lbs. I've decided that WW isn't good for me. lol

2. I always thought I hated working out, but I think I've always just thought it 'wasn't my thing'. The funny thing is, I think it is. I totally dig working out once I get into a groove.

3. Kashi Trail Mix bars are the best- I love the almonds and cranberries. And Fiber One chocolate and oat bars are great for a chocolate fix.

4. The above bars should always be eaten with 64oz. of water per bar. For my GI system AND my co-workers sake.

5. It drives me nuts that Marmot really doesn't need to lose weight, but its also good motivation. I want to weigh less than he does, he's at 200lbs even.

6. My treadmill is borrowed from my sister Apple B., and I love it. I need a name for it though, because Carlos named his and I thought that was hilarious.

7. My Mom has struggled with a weight problem since she was in her late-20's, and I refuse to follow in her footsteps.

8. I have a goal that I've never mentioned, but I want to have plastic surgery after I'm done having my kids and at a steady healthy weight. My big sister Nelly B. had a tummy tuck, and she looks awesome- it wasn't about unrealistic expectations, rather it was dealing with the reality that skin can't be crunched away, no matter how tight the muscle underneath. And I refuse to be guilty for wanting to do it either. lol

9. I don't like talking about weight-loss with anyone outside of my bloggie's and close friends. Its so personal, and I get defensive if people start offering unsolicted advice. lol (except for my bloggie's, you all are awesome!)

10. I am unspeakably grateful to whoever invented the treadmill. Anyone else in a similar climate (too f-ing cold) will probably agree!

11. Marmot is really supportive, and I love him for it. It's made an amazing difference over previous (pre-husband) weight-loss attempts.

12. There is a level of depth to this weight-loss, a new relationship with food, that has made it different. And I think will ultimately be the key to permanent loss.

13. I have zero upper body strength, but I can't stand bat wings so upper body strength and toning is a priority for me.

14. Does anyone else worry about not bulking up? I heard someone talking about being worried about getting muscles that are too big. I almost laughed outloud, because she was at least the same size I am if not bigger. Seriously? I think we'd both prefer thunder thighs made of muscle, not fat.

15. I used to say I couldn't work out because I was allergic to sweating. I've also said that its dangerous for me, because when my thighs rub together they're likely to set my shorts on fire. Jokingly, of course.

16. I lost 40lbs in a summer with crazy calorie restriction (like less than 1000 cals/day) and obsessive running. Little bit of the anorexia background rearing its head.

17. The least I've ever weighed was 113lbs, the winter of 1999. I remember going two weeks only periodically having juice. Going through that sometimes makes me worry about getting too obsessive about the dieting and calorie restriction. But so far, so good.

18. I don't know why, but this time I'm not expecting instant results. There is a calculator on my iPhone app Lose It that says if I continue with my current plan, I'll reach my goal weight of 145 by November 25th, 2009. I'm totally okay with that.

19. This is too damn many randoms. lol

20. My Dad and I were talking about family history (we're Italian) and he said I have the traditional Italian grape-stomper build. I asked him what that was, and he said it was short with broad shoulders, wide (childbearing) hips, short thick legs and dark hair. lolol

21. A side-effect of losing weight that I'm looking forward to is smaller boobs. However Marmot is going to be disappointed if that happens. lol

22. I pulled a package of WW bagels out of the back of the cupboard that expired six months ago, and they were perfect. That horrific moment has reminded me that I need to read more ingredient labels and be aware of what goes in my body.

23. Biggest Loser is the most inspiring show I've ever seen, and I would pay a $50 finder's fee to anyone who could direct me to wherever I could see previous seasons!

24. I love Jillian Michael's, her no-crap attitude is a huge boost. An amazing body doesn't come for free.

25. I refuse to pretend I'm happy with my body. But I'm changing it, the way it supposed to be done!


Jen said...
February 1, 2009 at 7:12 AM

Great list!
I too want a tummy tuck when I am done - and I also do not feel guilty about it - its just life after 2 kids back to back and one c-section. Not to mention years of yo-yo dieting.

Mary Beth said...
February 1, 2009 at 11:10 PM

I'm another for a tummy tuck, and breast life. Not implants, just a lift please. I was always fine with my "B" cup.

For me I believe my weight gain is pure laziness and unwillingness and just deciding to punish myself with weight gain, a protective coating if you will. Because, I actually like healthy food (just like sweets alot) and I used to be passionate about exercise.

So here I am on these blogs journaling about getting my body back and getting out of this protective suit I have been wearing for a very long time.

wendy said...
February 10, 2009 at 8:42 PM

There are some Biggest Loser dvds on netflix (workouts), but I only noticed Season 1.