Workouts: Refreshed

Anyone else obsessed with the refresh button? I love that button. I use it at on the blogs (any new comments?) at work for queue's that we work, etc etc. Its so versatile. Sometimes it shows no new cases to work on. New comments to my blog. An update to someone elses blog. Usually its something good.

I'm also using it in a mental sense, a refresh of my journey. It makes me think of taking a deep breath- in through your nose, filling your lungs, and out through your mouth.

I've seen myself take some very tiny little steps away from the path I need to be on this week. I didn't work out on Friday, for no reason that I can think of now and didn't quite stick to my calories yesterday, just plain because I wanted to eat more. Small little steps that I recognize as inevitably leading back to being fat and unhappy. I'm still thrilled with the progress I've made and committed to sticking with it, which I think has made me overly leery of any steps leading elsewhere.

That brings me to today, Sunday- the day of rest. I'm also thinking of it as my day of renew, remind, refresh. Its my weigh-in day, and I'm not overly thrilled with my weight, although it is one pound less than last week. But a reflection of my eating shows that I wasn't quite as close to my calorie goals as I could have been, making conscious choices to eat more. My workout has become a routine, which is a bummer. I've added in hand weights, but still- meh. Nothing new or exciting.

So, in the spirit of refresh, I'm refreshing my workout situation. I'm ok with my food intake right now- I need to stick to my calories, continue to work on eating the protein, no huge changes. But the workout is in for a overhaul.

I have a confession. We live across the street from a gym. Seriously. And while maintaining a membership of $36 a month (subsidized through work) I have been to the gym twice in the two years that I've lived in this house. Pathetic, I know. But as part of this refresh for the week, I'm making an appointment with a trainer to set up a strength training plan. I'm happy with the cardio, doing my treadmill or DVD workouts at home, but I'm concern about weight loss without building muscle and toning. God forbid I have horrific bat wings. I've started carrying 3lb or 5lb hand weights on the treadmill, but I need more than that.

My sweet husband also helped me setup the Girly Room. We have two extra bedrooms and this is the one that has the guest bed, two dressers and two tiny closets that I have used as a giant closet for as long as I've lived here, and has been dubbed the Girly Room. The bed has been relocated, the treadmill has been moved in, along with my Transfirmer, stability ball, weights and workout DVD's. I've arranged it so that I have enough room to do an entire workout DVD (without rearranging the living room). No TV up there, but no problem- I'll be using my widescreen laptop on the dresser playing the DVD. The entire room is set up so that all I have to do is walk in and start. I'm excited!

Part of the refresh this week has been from some awesome people. Marlys is a friend from work, and she has been inspiring to me this week. She's reminded me that I can go out of my comfort zone to make this happen (like the gym), which was just the right push to take a second look at the gym I walk by every day. She also made me realize some places where I have the time to do this (before work, which I've never considered). The other was Byron and his wife Sarah, who re-opened my eyes to the myriad offerings of the gym and what it could help me accomplish. All three are awesome people, with the right advice at the perfect time. Thank you!

Workout goals for this week:
*Meet with trainer and set up 2-3x weekly strength training program.
*Put together a gym bag, with necessities for leaving directly from work going to the gym.
*Setting a new minimum of 40 minutes of on the treadmill (up from 30) or the 30 minute Supercharged Sculpting workout DVD.

Miscellaneous for the week:
*I'm going to invest in two pairs of workout pants, as the ones I have are from 40lbs ago and not fit to be seen in public.
*I want to buy Jillian's 30 Day Shred DVD, to change things up a bit.
*I'm going to find out what other services the gym offers (there are tons) and pick two that I want to take advantage of. I'm hoping to find a nutritionist, or maybe a class I'd like to take.
*I'm going to post some more numbers (10% mark, 1/2 way to goal mark, etc) on my blog, and also post my rewards. I'm so close to meeting my first one!

I hope you all have had a fabulous weekend, and here's to an awesome week ahead! :-)


Kari said...
January 27, 2009 at 10:52 AM

First let's start by saying congrats on being down 1lb. It's another step in the right direction. Don't belittle that 1lb because EVERY lb counts!
I'd love to live across the street from a gym. But I won't be brave enough to say it would change my motivation to get there. I only live a 5minute drive and I still struggle to get there days. But good for you for setting out to finally go, meet with the trainer, and add something refreshing to your routine!
The girly room is a great idea. We basically put our dining room table against one wall and turned the rest of the dining room into a workout room (treadmill, tv w/dvd and vhs, stability ball, hand weights, resistance bands) because we never have anyone over and so it doesn't really matter to us...this is more important to me right now!
The 30 Day Shred....wicked HARD but worth every penny. The other dvd I wanted to suggest to you is One on One with Jacki Warner. REALLY good workout as well...found it hard like the 30 Day Shred but maybe a little less impact on the joints which for me is good when I'm carrying around an additional 90lbs.