The Goals

The dieting craze of 2009 has begun! Any grocery store aisle perusing will reveal glossy magazine covers with lots of skin and the promise of the Diet of the Stars within their pages. A mere 20 minutes in front of the TV gives you a myriad of options- Weight Watchers has a new momentum plan, more meal options from Special K, vitamin packs from GNC....was is that Susan woman that said it best, stop the insanity! lol

The National Center for Health Statistics shows that 66% of Americans are overweight. That's unbelievable, its 2/3 of the people around you! On one hand- I will admit that it does sort of make me feel better- its not just me, right? A life goal is to spend a few weeks traveling across Europe, but I refuse to do it until I'm closer to my goal weight. Can you imagine walking into a room full of skinny French women with my massive thighs? No ma'am! But that did put the trip to Europe as the pinnacle of my weight loss goals, with the new wardrobe coming in as #2.

I'm all about rewards- or bribes or whatever it takes- to reach my weight loss milestones. I currently have a running tally of what reward I will give myself for each 10lbs lost. As noted, a trip to Europe and a new wardrobe are at the top, with some slightly more modest rewards (a new pair of black dress shoes) for some hopefully soon-to-be-reached milestones. Woo-hoo!