
I have a time management function on my iPhone called Things. If any of you have Macs, I've heard the desktop version is even better, which makes me even more excited to get a Mac when my Dell finally kicks it. So Things has a Someday box where you can put things that you are going to do Someday, but don't have a definite timeframe. I've come to the realization that I put alot of things in the Someday box, both on my iPhone and mentally.

I've had a list going in my head for a long time-
*someday I'll get married and have kids.
*someday I'll reach and maintain my goal weight.
*someday I'll run regularly again.
*someday I'll go back to school.
*someday I'll finish my book proposal and submit it.
*someday I'll become fluent in Spanish.
*someday I'll have my scrapbooking caught up to the past year.

Guess what? I'm married. I'm back in school. My book proposal is in process. I'm working on Rosetta Stone Spanish every week. And my scrapbooking is caught up to January 2008.

What's left? Reaching my goal weight and running. I was writing about where I've come from and where I'm at on the BLBE Forum, and started talking about my someday list. The realization hit me- someday is now! Whatever it is that I'm waiting for has passed. I'm in someday and if I don't do something about my weight, it's just another day wasted being unhappy with how I look and feel.

I refuse to put things under Someday anymore. If I want something, I'm going to actively plan a timeframe for accomplishing it, instead of letting it languish on my Someday list without any progress.

And progress is what I'm having! I'm down to 231.5 today, which is such an amazing reward. I'm soo close to being out of the 230's that I can hardly stand it! I've also discovered a trigger for awesome workouts, which is watching Biggest Loser while I'm on the treadmill. So I'm going to put the Season 6 Finale on my iPhone again and watch it while I work out tonight. I'm right on with my calories today, and I have a mental plan for tonight's dinner.

I am making this happen.


Jen said...
January 16, 2009 at 3:13 PM

you go girl, looks like you have most of your life in check and now its time to truly focus on your health!!
You will be out of those 230's before you know it!

Bonnie said...
January 16, 2009 at 6:02 PM

Congrats on the loss! You have a very healthy attitude about what needs to be done and how to get there. Keep up the good work.

Kiki said...
January 19, 2009 at 4:47 PM

You are on FIRE! Congrats on checking so many things off of your list! Keep on keeping on, you're doing great!