Three Weeks In

Three weeks in, and I think I can see some toning as compared to the first set....woo hoo! :-)

My 25 Weight-Loss Randoms...

This truly is a journey, and I've picked up so many useful (or not-so-useful) things along the way!

1. Every time I join Weight Watchers, I get de-motivated and quit, then gain 10lbs. I've decided that WW isn't good for me. lol

2. I always thought I hated working out, but I think I've always just thought it 'wasn't my thing'. The funny thing is, I think it is. I totally dig working out once I get into a groove.

3. Kashi Trail Mix bars are the best- I love the almonds and cranberries. And Fiber One chocolate and oat bars are great for a chocolate fix.

4. The above bars should always be eaten with 64oz. of water per bar. For my GI system AND my co-workers sake.

5. It drives me nuts that Marmot really doesn't need to lose weight, but its also good motivation. I want to weigh less than he does, he's at 200lbs even.

6. My treadmill is borrowed from my sister Apple B., and I love it. I need a name for it though, because Carlos named his and I thought that was hilarious.

7. My Mom has struggled with a weight problem since she was in her late-20's, and I refuse to follow in her footsteps.

8. I have a goal that I've never mentioned, but I want to have plastic surgery after I'm done having my kids and at a steady healthy weight. My big sister Nelly B. had a tummy tuck, and she looks awesome- it wasn't about unrealistic expectations, rather it was dealing with the reality that skin can't be crunched away, no matter how tight the muscle underneath. And I refuse to be guilty for wanting to do it either. lol

9. I don't like talking about weight-loss with anyone outside of my bloggie's and close friends. Its so personal, and I get defensive if people start offering unsolicted advice. lol (except for my bloggie's, you all are awesome!)

10. I am unspeakably grateful to whoever invented the treadmill. Anyone else in a similar climate (too f-ing cold) will probably agree!

11. Marmot is really supportive, and I love him for it. It's made an amazing difference over previous (pre-husband) weight-loss attempts.

12. There is a level of depth to this weight-loss, a new relationship with food, that has made it different. And I think will ultimately be the key to permanent loss.

13. I have zero upper body strength, but I can't stand bat wings so upper body strength and toning is a priority for me.

14. Does anyone else worry about not bulking up? I heard someone talking about being worried about getting muscles that are too big. I almost laughed outloud, because she was at least the same size I am if not bigger. Seriously? I think we'd both prefer thunder thighs made of muscle, not fat.

15. I used to say I couldn't work out because I was allergic to sweating. I've also said that its dangerous for me, because when my thighs rub together they're likely to set my shorts on fire. Jokingly, of course.

16. I lost 40lbs in a summer with crazy calorie restriction (like less than 1000 cals/day) and obsessive running. Little bit of the anorexia background rearing its head.

17. The least I've ever weighed was 113lbs, the winter of 1999. I remember going two weeks only periodically having juice. Going through that sometimes makes me worry about getting too obsessive about the dieting and calorie restriction. But so far, so good.

18. I don't know why, but this time I'm not expecting instant results. There is a calculator on my iPhone app Lose It that says if I continue with my current plan, I'll reach my goal weight of 145 by November 25th, 2009. I'm totally okay with that.

19. This is too damn many randoms. lol

20. My Dad and I were talking about family history (we're Italian) and he said I have the traditional Italian grape-stomper build. I asked him what that was, and he said it was short with broad shoulders, wide (childbearing) hips, short thick legs and dark hair. lolol

21. A side-effect of losing weight that I'm looking forward to is smaller boobs. However Marmot is going to be disappointed if that happens. lol

22. I pulled a package of WW bagels out of the back of the cupboard that expired six months ago, and they were perfect. That horrific moment has reminded me that I need to read more ingredient labels and be aware of what goes in my body.

23. Biggest Loser is the most inspiring show I've ever seen, and I would pay a $50 finder's fee to anyone who could direct me to wherever I could see previous seasons!

24. I love Jillian Michael's, her no-crap attitude is a huge boost. An amazing body doesn't come for free.

25. I refuse to pretend I'm happy with my body. But I'm changing it, the way it supposed to be done!

To Walk, or Not to Walk...That is the Question...

I did Jillian's 30 Day Shred on Thursday night and wow, felt it immediately. Could hardly walk the next day, so I just did 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill before work. Was progressively feeling more achy and stiff throughout the day, but mostly just ignored it and took an ibuprofen.

Today- now today I can literally hardly move. It feels like after I had surgery, where I want to avoid flexing my abs! I've also got a head cold well underway, so I'm hitting the Zicam to keep it at bay. I was going to just do 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill today, but got talked out of it by my husband- when your body is healing, don't give it more to heal. Rest is good. So I'm rather disappointed (seriously) but I'm taking the day off from working out at Marmot's request. I'm still not convinced that I shouldn't just do 30 on the treadmill though.....

But the day is not lost! I'm taking some time to relax, read blogs (prepare for an onslaught of comments!) and make a list of books to get at the library. I'm also doing my List of 25 Random Weight-Loss things after seeing Tony's 25 Randoms today. Ok, so maybe a day of relaxing won't be so bad. :-)

Does the Shred Refer to the Effect on your Lungs??

30 Day Shred just kicked my ass. I didn't kick ass (I can't get my feet to actually hit my ass, yet) but Jillian did. I'm slightly intimidated that I could only barely get through the cardio. Tomorrow I will probably do one of my Firm videos (longer, but I've never breathed fire with the Firm, or swore in a workout as much as I did tonight) and then do 30 Day Shred on Saturday. I also did 30 minutes on the treadmill this morning. I think I'm going to sleep well tonight!

New Motivation!

I need some new music.

Music is pretty much what keeps me going on the treadmill, along with episodes of the Biggest Loser. My own criteria for good workout music is something with a strong fast backbeat, a tempo I can match with my feet. My latest favorites are:

*Hot N' Cold by Katy Perry
*See You Again by Miley Cyrus (yes I know- gag)
*Here It Goes Again by Ok Go

I posted on the BLBE2 forum that I'd like to put together a Greatest Hits CD for our teams, all the songs that we consider motivational. Give me your input here or on the forum, and I'll be creating our very own album!

I Like Being Sore (Well, Getting There...)

This week has been about collaboration. I'm in a huge project at work that has half a dozen different departments all inputting into some monumental changes. A pilot has been going this week, and its been awesome to see every department coming together with their expertise and input, all with the end goal of providing phenomenal patient care. Its also fricking exhausting!

The last two nights I've hit the treadmill pretty hard (an hour each night) and last night it was pretty late. I'm not sure if that's why I've been dragging all day or if its just the drain of having my mind working overtime with the pilot, but I can barely keep my eyes open.

But I have a new thought in the back of my mind. I was sore this morning. Not just sore, but like staggered out of bed partially bent over because apparently I have muscles in my back kind of sore. I was bemoaning this to my favorite co-worker Judy, and she said something quite profound- I can't remember her exact words, but the premise was "Sore is good. Learn to love sore, because it means you've accomplished something." First thought is, no ma'am. Sore is not good, my biceps hurt from brushing my teeth! But through the day as my arms ached and my legs were stiff, it actually started to make me smile when I felt it. Why? Because I seriously kicked ass on the treadmill last night. An hour?? Three weeks ago it was a struggle to do 30 minutes! I can tell the difference, I can feel the changes in my body. And I think I kind of even like being sore. :-)

Gym Time!

I have it all set up, I'll be meeting Bridget at the gym at 4:00 to set up a strength training program. I'm aiming for 3 days a week, and doing cardio on my own. We'll see what she says. I'm excited!

I will admit that I was disappointed that the there was only one class after 3:30pm, and it was an intermediate yoga class. The other gym is downtown and quite busy (because its new and has a pool) but I might have to venture down there for classes. I was looking at the Ease into Cycling class, the Cardio Mix and the Strictly Strength. My goal is to have tried at least three different classes by Valentine's Day!

Workouts: Refreshed

Anyone else obsessed with the refresh button? I love that button. I use it at on the blogs (any new comments?) at work for queue's that we work, etc etc. Its so versatile. Sometimes it shows no new cases to work on. New comments to my blog. An update to someone elses blog. Usually its something good.

I'm also using it in a mental sense, a refresh of my journey. It makes me think of taking a deep breath- in through your nose, filling your lungs, and out through your mouth.

I've seen myself take some very tiny little steps away from the path I need to be on this week. I didn't work out on Friday, for no reason that I can think of now and didn't quite stick to my calories yesterday, just plain because I wanted to eat more. Small little steps that I recognize as inevitably leading back to being fat and unhappy. I'm still thrilled with the progress I've made and committed to sticking with it, which I think has made me overly leery of any steps leading elsewhere.

That brings me to today, Sunday- the day of rest. I'm also thinking of it as my day of renew, remind, refresh. Its my weigh-in day, and I'm not overly thrilled with my weight, although it is one pound less than last week. But a reflection of my eating shows that I wasn't quite as close to my calorie goals as I could have been, making conscious choices to eat more. My workout has become a routine, which is a bummer. I've added in hand weights, but still- meh. Nothing new or exciting.

So, in the spirit of refresh, I'm refreshing my workout situation. I'm ok with my food intake right now- I need to stick to my calories, continue to work on eating the protein, no huge changes. But the workout is in for a overhaul.

I have a confession. We live across the street from a gym. Seriously. And while maintaining a membership of $36 a month (subsidized through work) I have been to the gym twice in the two years that I've lived in this house. Pathetic, I know. But as part of this refresh for the week, I'm making an appointment with a trainer to set up a strength training plan. I'm happy with the cardio, doing my treadmill or DVD workouts at home, but I'm concern about weight loss without building muscle and toning. God forbid I have horrific bat wings. I've started carrying 3lb or 5lb hand weights on the treadmill, but I need more than that.

My sweet husband also helped me setup the Girly Room. We have two extra bedrooms and this is the one that has the guest bed, two dressers and two tiny closets that I have used as a giant closet for as long as I've lived here, and has been dubbed the Girly Room. The bed has been relocated, the treadmill has been moved in, along with my Transfirmer, stability ball, weights and workout DVD's. I've arranged it so that I have enough room to do an entire workout DVD (without rearranging the living room). No TV up there, but no problem- I'll be using my widescreen laptop on the dresser playing the DVD. The entire room is set up so that all I have to do is walk in and start. I'm excited!

Part of the refresh this week has been from some awesome people. Marlys is a friend from work, and she has been inspiring to me this week. She's reminded me that I can go out of my comfort zone to make this happen (like the gym), which was just the right push to take a second look at the gym I walk by every day. She also made me realize some places where I have the time to do this (before work, which I've never considered). The other was Byron and his wife Sarah, who re-opened my eyes to the myriad offerings of the gym and what it could help me accomplish. All three are awesome people, with the right advice at the perfect time. Thank you!

Workout goals for this week:
*Meet with trainer and set up 2-3x weekly strength training program.
*Put together a gym bag, with necessities for leaving directly from work going to the gym.
*Setting a new minimum of 40 minutes of on the treadmill (up from 30) or the 30 minute Supercharged Sculpting workout DVD.

Miscellaneous for the week:
*I'm going to invest in two pairs of workout pants, as the ones I have are from 40lbs ago and not fit to be seen in public.
*I want to buy Jillian's 30 Day Shred DVD, to change things up a bit.
*I'm going to find out what other services the gym offers (there are tons) and pick two that I want to take advantage of. I'm hoping to find a nutritionist, or maybe a class I'd like to take.
*I'm going to post some more numbers (10% mark, 1/2 way to goal mark, etc) on my blog, and also post my rewards. I'm so close to meeting my first one!

I hope you all have had a fabulous weekend, and here's to an awesome week ahead! :-)

Yay for Weekends!

Its the weekend!!

I'm so ready for a weekend. Its been an amazingly stressful week at work, and although there was ZERO stress eating, I'm so glad that the workweek is done.

Today was the first day of my Monday-Friday day job, which is such a switch after years of rotating shifts and weekends. I'm home so early! This is the first time I've ever been home from work before my husband.

I logged in 230.5 today, which is another pound lost. It is amazing to me that this works. lol Ridiculous, I know! But some level of calorie restriction and regular exercise is apparently the trick, and I'm thrilled.

So yay for sticking with it....and now I'm off to a purse party, wish me luck for sticking to the budget!

Anniversary Dinner

Oh my blogger friends, I've missed you!

I had a busy weekend, and I did pretty good. I weighed in at 231.5 on Sunday and I was proud.

Then I went for an anniversary dinner with my husband. To be totally honest, I set out to enjoy my night and the time spent with my husband and not be worried about what I was eating. Soooo- 2,800 calories later, here I am. It was a fabulous dinner, and we enjoyed it. Not really happy about the calories, but I did a couple things that I don't usually do.

*I tasted my food. Savored it before I swallowed it.
*I didn't eat everything on my plate, because I was only eating the things I like. The caesar salad was blah, so I didn't very much of it.
*I went home and hopped on the treadmill. The 200 calories I burned on the treadmill pretty much didn't make a dent, but I felt better.

So yeah, I have the rest of the week to make up for it, and today was right on. My goal is to increase the lean protein in my diet, so that I can feel full on less. I love meat, it makes me feel good and full and charged. Have to work that in somehow.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and on to the greatest Team Lynn week ever!


I have a time management function on my iPhone called Things. If any of you have Macs, I've heard the desktop version is even better, which makes me even more excited to get a Mac when my Dell finally kicks it. So Things has a Someday box where you can put things that you are going to do Someday, but don't have a definite timeframe. I've come to the realization that I put alot of things in the Someday box, both on my iPhone and mentally.

I've had a list going in my head for a long time-
*someday I'll get married and have kids.
*someday I'll reach and maintain my goal weight.
*someday I'll run regularly again.
*someday I'll go back to school.
*someday I'll finish my book proposal and submit it.
*someday I'll become fluent in Spanish.
*someday I'll have my scrapbooking caught up to the past year.

Guess what? I'm married. I'm back in school. My book proposal is in process. I'm working on Rosetta Stone Spanish every week. And my scrapbooking is caught up to January 2008.

What's left? Reaching my goal weight and running. I was writing about where I've come from and where I'm at on the BLBE Forum, and started talking about my someday list. The realization hit me- someday is now! Whatever it is that I'm waiting for has passed. I'm in someday and if I don't do something about my weight, it's just another day wasted being unhappy with how I look and feel.

I refuse to put things under Someday anymore. If I want something, I'm going to actively plan a timeframe for accomplishing it, instead of letting it languish on my Someday list without any progress.

And progress is what I'm having! I'm down to 231.5 today, which is such an amazing reward. I'm soo close to being out of the 230's that I can hardly stand it! I've also discovered a trigger for awesome workouts, which is watching Biggest Loser while I'm on the treadmill. So I'm going to put the Season 6 Finale on my iPhone again and watch it while I work out tonight. I'm right on with my calories today, and I have a mental plan for tonight's dinner.

I am making this happen.

Oh Yeah Baby!

I have a loss. My scale showed 233.0 this morning!

That is:

* down 4lbs from where I was when I started BLBE.
* down 6lbs from my weigh-in last Sunday!

It's also a huge boost for me as I've been wondering when my almost daily workouts were ever going to show up on the scale!!

Its on to the treadmill, I'm so excited I might see if I can do an extra 15 minutes to celebrate! :-)

Technology at Its Best!

Love coming upon things that make this journey just a little bit easier, and this is one of them.

I've been using the Weight Watchers Points Tracker since January 1st, mostly because its what I know. I like checking off the multivitamin and water, although I don't actually do the points part of it. I'm paying $16.95 for the privilege, and really have been thinking there has to be a better way.

Enter in, my iPhone. I won't go off on how much I love my iPhone and how wonderful it is (but it is) and instead move into the actual point of my post. I found an awesome app! Its called LoseIt! and its like the WW points tracker only better, because its on my phone and its free! It has all the essential features- weight tracking, exercise log with calories burned, food log with calories consumed, a huge database, and its incredibly easy to use.

So if there are any other iPhone people out there, I would recommend giving it a try. If for no other reason than its free! :-)

Biggest Loser

Who else is furious with Joelle on BL?!? Omg. I so felt for Bob when he was screaming at her, I thought my head was going to explode, I can't imagine Bob or any of her teammates?

We all have rough times, where this feels like an insurmountable task. It does! But she obviously doesn't want it that badly, because $25k almost dissuaded her. $5k almost dissuaded her!

(Oh, and where does she live that $5k buys a house??)

But instead, Jerry went home. Sweet Jerry, the type of guy you love to hug. I hope Bob ignores Joelle next week. I know its not nice, but she bitched and moaned the whole time, she doesn't deserve his time. I would say Bob should drive her into the ground, but I'm afraid she'd bump someone else out again, someone who wants this bad enough to work for it!

Ok, rant over. lol

My big sister came over to watch BL with me, and she's hooked. We've made it a Tuesday night date, each of us bringing our best WW dinner recipe. Tonight was pizza, my husband's choice, but we only had one slice each. Go us! And then we had my Skinny Pumpkin muffins, two points each. I did fall off the wagon with the cream cheese frosting, but I only dipped into 4 of my weekly flex points!

I haven't been on the treadmill yet, but I think I'm going to give myself the day off. My poor body isn't doing well with three hours sleep (damn the night shift to day shift transition) and I've had intermittent feelings of mild nausea all day. Bleh.

Today was 236.0, maintaining which is fine with me!

Go Team Lynn buddies, we can do this!

Rising Numbers for the US, Dropping for Me

Watching NBC tonight, they reported that there are not more obese people than just plain overweight people. Wow.

But better news for me, I was down to 236 today. Not exactly impressive, but yesterday I hit 239 so I'll take a loss as a loss. lol

I gave myself a few days break from the treadmill with the changing of shifts, and I'm glad I did since I still feel like crap. I did 30 minutes today of incline work today, which felt good. I was inspired by
Carlos shoveling the white stuff yesterday, so after the treadmill I went outside with my husband and shoveled snow for another 30 minutes!

Now its time to sit down for dinner. My husband prevailed and is picking up Outback. I ordered a small prime rib, with steamed veggies for one side. The other side is the garlic mashed potatoes, but my plan is to take two bites and put the rest into a container to go to work with me tomorrow. Wish me luck on carrying through!

Quick question. Someone on one of the blogs I've read does something with Apple Cider Vinegar. I vaguely remember someone else (from a weight loss past) who used that too. Curious what the benefits are, how much, etc?

Hope you all are having a phenomenal Monday, Go Team Lynn! :-)

The Right Combination

I'm working my last night shift before going into the supervisor position in two weeks, and I'm remembering why rotating shifts are miserable. But I have gum! I was munching on the cheez-its in my desk drawer, and kept putting the box away, pulling it out again. Reached into my purse for something and found gum! My savior. My mouth is now occupied (and minty fresh) so the cheez-its can remained undisturbed in my drawer. I took the day off from working out because I was achy when I woke up this morning. Bleh. I forgot my water jug when I left the house for work last night, and my body was screaming for water today- I'm working on my second jug for the day without even trying, and will likely have a third in before I leave in the morning. It's amazing to me that my body so quickly became accustomed to the water again, and how I felt when I didn't have it!

Mother Nature has arrived today, which might explain why the scale still hasn't budged. Tomorrow is WI day for BLBE2 and I was really hoping to log a good loss for the first week! However, I feel like I'm some kind of a safecracker looking for just the right combination to this weight loss safe- I've never factored in AP's in previous losses, and I'm wondering if I need to because I'm staying just about right on with my points and daily workouts, with no difference in the scale. This next week I'm going to eat my AP's and see what happens!

This has been an interesting 24 hours. I blame it on the night shifts (it's soo quiet!) that I've had more time to think about what I'm doing and what part my mind is playing in this journey. My blogging buddies called me out on what I posted earlier, about considering myself unattractive in my goodbye photos. I never thought about what I was saying about myself! I've been thinking about it today as I've seen the comments, and realizing that I do consider myself unattractive, as a baseline. I tried to think back to when I actually thought I was attractive, and let's just say its been a few years. Even I'm thinking, wow. I've always been a connoisseur of sarcastic and dry humor, zero bullshit, tell it like it is. But I've never realized how much I direct that at myself.

Something new to add to my daily to-do list. Stop the negative humor towards myself in its tracks. I didn't realize how much of a part it played in my life, even in off-handed comments. Positive reinforcement has been a goal of mine this final time through the WL journey, but I'm realizing I missed a crucial part of that, getting rid of the negative too.

Thanks to everyone who commented on that- you all are the best!

Photographic Evidence

I recruited my husband into taking 'goodbye' pictures for me. I'm saying goodbye to alot of weight, and I'm going to mark the moment. God bless my husband for doing this, because its got to really suck to take pictures of your wife at her most unattractive. But hey, if this isn't motivation, I don't know what is!

Emotional vs. Boredom Eating

Reading the Winning by Losing book by Jillian Michaels. I'm about 3/4 into the first chapter. She talks about emotional eating, and it got me thinking- I don't know if I'm an emotional eater.

The most miserable time in my life was my skinniest, 2004-2005. I was working out, eating better, and I felt good. The happiest time of my life (the last two years, meeting/dating/marrying my husband) have been the fattest. Fattest to the tune of about 80lbs being packed on from late 2005 through now. What the hell?

I do know that I'm a boredom eater. Like, big time boredom eater. I tried to think back to the last time when my body was physically hungry? Can't remember. Why do I eat? Because its lunch time, not because my body is asking for food. I eat because its time to eat and food is yummy. My family is all about food, our gatherings revolve around food.

I'm reading down these scenarios, and I can't see myself in any of them. What I do see is needing to make sure that I'm actually hungry before I eat. Other than that? I'm not connecting to the emotional eating thing. I'm not sure if I'm completely missing the applicability in my own life, having a glossed-over version of what I think I am, or maybe its just me! But the book is good, I like her style. Its very much like how she talks in the gym, completely straight talk, no BS.

Question- does anyone know where I can get/watch earlier seasons of the Biggest Loser? I got Season 6 on iTunes, but can't find any other ones. Any suggestions?


Yes, it is 5am and I am still up. I'm using this prepping for night shift to my advantage and I'm seriously proud of myself. I have just hauled my sweaty and (no doubt) fragrant self off the treadmill after an awesome workout tonight, twice as long in time but I upped the interval aspect of it. I slowed the speed down (2.0 instead of 2.5) but I did several times the incline.

Normally I do:
5 minutes at 10.0
5 minutes at 7.5
5 minutes at 5.0
5 minutes at 2.5

But today I did:
5 minutes 10.0 x3
5 minutes at 7.5 x2
5 minutes at 5.0 x2
5 minutes at 2.5 x2

Why the sudden burst of workout frenzy? Couple things.

One- I am seriously inspired by watching Season 6 of Biggest Loser. I've got the episodes on my iPhone, and even watched one while on the treadmill (phenomenal way to not even realize the minutes are flying by!) and these people are amazing. Each person has something that reminds me of myself, and there are little phrases that come to mind at certain points- especially from the trainers. How badly do I want this?? Oh I want this.

Two- I wrote a rant about a family member today. It was cathartic, to get it all off my chest and out there. I've pulled that post now because I believe its served its purpose. I'm on my journey. This is about me. Moving on.

Three- I totally ate too much at dinner. Dinner roll the size of a grapefruit (with butter), half a bowl of caesar salad, pasta and seafood in a white wine sauce, and a glass of wine. *sigh* My only saving grace is that my eating schedule is soo screwed up that the only other thing I ate today was a Slim-Fast shake for lunch. Haven't run that through the WW Points Tracker yet, but I'm cringing at the thought.

But I'm still proud of my workout, I was actually looking forward to my husband going to bed and having some Me Time on the treadmill. That is so not normal, I do Me Time on the couch, but I wanted to do it on the treadmill. Who am I, and what have they done with the real Rebecca??

This journey is starting out really well, but I do worry about momentum. I'm usually good for about two weeks and it starts to peeter out. But I also know that it usually takes about 21 days to create a habit. I can carry on through the 21 days to make these new changes my lifestyle- my habits.

And oh yeah- Go Team Lynn!! :-)

Temptation, Thy Name is Breadsticks

Ok, I'm totally being sucked in by BL Season Six. I bought BL6 on the iTunes store last night and watched a couple episodes to help me stay up, prepping for some night shifts this weekend.

The scale hasn't budged since yesterday, its still at 235.5 but I'm ok with that. I'm inspired by the BL6 episodes I've been watching, and I see an awesome workout in my future today which will hopefully show on the scale tomorrow. I had a Slim-Fast shake for breakfast, my old standby. I normally don't ever eat breakfast, I actually get a little nauseated when I do so I've switched to the shakes. I can guzzle one down and it feels like I'm just drinking something rather than actually eating, and I know it gets my metabolism going because then I'm hungry by 10am!

But- I feel like I'm coming up into my first major temptation- an amazing Italian restaurant in town, we've been invited out to dinner with our dear friends. Oh yeah, this could be bad. They have a Lighter Fare section of the menu, but it includes fettucine alfredo. What the hell?? I think its lighter only because it doesn't include soup or salad. After looking at the menu, I think my plan for the day is this:

-Kickass Jillian-style workout. I usually do 30 minutes, I'm hoping to ramp it up to 45 today. My new favorite workout song is Hot N' Cold by Katy Perry. I have it so many times on my iPod playlist, I should just do a continuous loop. lol

- Lunch will be light, I'm thinking fruit and veggies since I've been a little light on those this week.- For dinner, no bread and no wine. Diet soda or water.
-Appetizer of steamed mussels.
-Entree of spaghetti alla puttanesca.
-No dessert.

Oh yeah, I can totally do this. I'm hoping to be posting some starting weight pictures- I tried to do a working out picture when I was on the treadmill yesterday, but it was a little tricky and I almost ricocheted off the damn thing. I'll see if my handsome honey can take a picture for me tomorrow. Woo-hoo!

The Biggest Loser!

Yay for Biggest Loser! I'm so psyched about BLBE (Go Team Lynn!!)

Ok, I will confess that I never watched Biggest Loser regularly before now- frankly it was a reminder of how fat I was, and I didn't like seeing the people who weighed what I did. But I have reformed! I was totally sucked in within the first 5 minutes, and I can't wait for next week! I don't do well with suspense, this is going to be a loooong week. lol And I'm currently downloading Season 6 on iTunes as I write this, I'm feeling the need to catch up!

And is it just me, or is it cruel to split the teams up after only a week? I'll admit that I don't know if that's normal elimination process, but it still seems cruel! I was really impressed by the white team though- impressive weight loss in one week, and after such a scare. Wow!

The yellow team kind of caught my heart- during the weigh in, I think it was Mandi who said she never let her husband see her like that. Since I met Marmot, I've gained a whopping 57 pounds. 57 pounds! This is Marmot and I when we started dating in April 2007.

This is Marmot and I on Christmas Day 2008. I have a fat face and pudgy fingers. I cropped my ass out of the picture too, which is awful.

Another reason to add to my list of, Why I'm Doing This- I want to have a better body for my husband (who by the way, has only gained 18 to my 57 since we met. Damn!)
Activity Report: So last night I was feeling better and did a good workout on the treadmill, and even got my water in. Today was even better, down another pound on the scale and I did a kick-ass workout with almost twice the incline work that I did the day before, including 3 minutes of running. The dog sat and watched me as I was yelling at myself to move it, I can do this, this is to work off all the damn donuts on my ass- Max was looking at me like I'd lost my mind, but I did the hardest workout I've done yet!

Food Report: intake today includes 2 slices of this amazing challah bread, 1 Tb of butter, 2 cups of brussel sprouts with butter and salt, 1/2 cup of applesauce, two cups of white rice, and a cup of stir-fry (sauteed beef tips, chopped onions, green and red peppers). WW points total of 21 points, which means I need to find something to eat before bed? What a weird problem. lol

So that's my story for the day! Hope you all had a fabulous Wednesday, we can do this!! :-)

High-Fructose Corn Syrup

Anyone else see the high-fructose corn syrup ads, and just laugh? It cracks me up because the anti-HFCS people are made out to be morons that don't know why you should avoid it, and yet the sugar word never comes up once! Do they really think their ads are going to change people's mind, that suddenly we'll all look at the ingredients on something and be totally ok with the fact that the first ingredient is sugar?? It just makes me laugh.... :-)

I'm feeling sort of better after a nap, but still exhausted. I'm going to let myself off the treadmill routine (although I am bummed, because my new shoes came in today and I'm so excited! More on that later.) and plan on hitting it tomorrow.

Ok, the shoes. In my running days, I regularly bought new shoes as I wore them out running- the last pair of running shoes I bought was in 2004. I started using the treadmill with my old shoes, and the ache in my legs had nothing to do with muscle fatigue. I went shoe shopping and my beautiful new Asics Gel Kayano-14 shoes arrived in the mail today. Aren't they gorgeous??

I didn't even think about this until I got them, but they're huge! I ordered a size 10, which is the size shoe I wear- but my old Nike's were a size 9! You never think about what grows when you gain 75lbs, but your feet are not immune. I have a closet full of seriously cute size 9 shoes, I might have to pull them out as inspiration.

Minor Setback...

I'm writing this from a horizontal position on the couch- actually half the couch, as Max the labrador has the other half. He's such a snuggle-bunny, he likes to keep me company.

I feel like absolute poo. I went into work this morning for a meeting (I actually have this week off!) and just felt sluggish and tired, and my stomach is kind of upset. My husband had a nasty stomach bug last weekend (yes, our anniversary!) with a fever, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, the whole nasty lot. He did lose four pounds, but even with that I'm really hoping that I'm not getting sick!

I'm pushing the water today, and have only halfway written off getting on the treadmill- I'm going to take a nap, and hopefully feel better when I wake up.

The progress so far- I weighed in at 236.5 today, which is down a half pound. I know you're not supposed to weigh every day, but the small victories are sometimes all that keeps me going! lol

And I have followers! Thank you for being my followers! I appreciate you joining me on the journey... :-)

Can I Be the Biggest Loser??

Ok, I'm going to just close my eyes and jump! I've joined the Biggest Loser Blog Edition 2nd Season and I'm so excited!

I normally hate any kind of public weight related stuff, but the internet is such a nice safe haven for those (like me) that are mortified to ever discuss this kind of stuff in public!

My starting weight is 237 pounds (say it with me now- Oh. My. God.) and my weigh-in day is Sunday. My goal is to lose 10% of my body weight, which is 23.7 pounds.

Today is hardly an auspicious start to my day- I have eaten a mini-Totino's pizza, 3 large sugar cookies, honey shrimp and rice, an eggroll, and about 6 cans of Diet Dr. Pepper. I was about to type 'My only excuse is....' but I have no excuse. lol

The positives from the day? I've managed to drink about 40oz of water, which is better than I would have thought- and now that I've typed that, I think I'll refill my water bottle and see if I can't hit 64oz. before bedtime!

And I was on the treadmill today too! I recently saw an ad for an incline trainer by Nordic Track (what actually got my attention was the fact that Jillian from BL has workouts customized for it- omg!) and thought huh, that'd be interesting. You can burn 800 calories on that thing- I cannot even fathom what you must feel like after burning 800 calories, because my lungs have combusted before I hit 200. But anyway, I realized that the incline on our treadmill goes up to 10, so I did 5 minutes at 10 with a speed of 2.5mph. It was pretty impressive, I could feel the burn up my glutes and into my lower back! My goal has been to be able to do a 45-60 minute run (like I used to way back when!) but I think I might throw some incline work in there too to change it up.

Biggest Loser, here I come!

The Goals

The dieting craze of 2009 has begun! Any grocery store aisle perusing will reveal glossy magazine covers with lots of skin and the promise of the Diet of the Stars within their pages. A mere 20 minutes in front of the TV gives you a myriad of options- Weight Watchers has a new momentum plan, more meal options from Special K, vitamin packs from GNC....was is that Susan woman that said it best, stop the insanity! lol

The National Center for Health Statistics shows that 66% of Americans are overweight. That's unbelievable, its 2/3 of the people around you! On one hand- I will admit that it does sort of make me feel better- its not just me, right? A life goal is to spend a few weeks traveling across Europe, but I refuse to do it until I'm closer to my goal weight. Can you imagine walking into a room full of skinny French women with my massive thighs? No ma'am! But that did put the trip to Europe as the pinnacle of my weight loss goals, with the new wardrobe coming in as #2.

I'm all about rewards- or bribes or whatever it takes- to reach my weight loss milestones. I currently have a running tally of what reward I will give myself for each 10lbs lost. As noted, a trip to Europe and a new wardrobe are at the top, with some slightly more modest rewards (a new pair of black dress shoes) for some hopefully soon-to-be-reached milestones. Woo-hoo!

My Plan of Care

As I'm doing a mental inventory of what I have on my side, the field of nursing keeps coming to mind. I'm a nurse, I graduated from nursing school in 2003. Something that always stuck with me from nursing school was about nursing interventions and outcomes, plans of care, and how we interact with patients. Professional nursing (that of an RN) is focused on getting the patient to their optimal state of health and being- that encompasses alot of states of being, not just perfect health. We use interventions to assist the patient as best we can, and we use outcomes to measure how well our interventions are doing- this is the plan of care. Another role of the nurse is as head cheerleader- many patients, specifically those with a long road to recovery, need extra boosts of encouragement to keep them going. The following is my Plan of Care- this is what I have going for me, my current list of interventions and positive circumstances:

- a treadmill that I'm renting ($25 a month) from my younger sister, just to try it out and see if I can handle it before I spend the money to buy one of mine own. We've had it for 7 days, and I have been on the treadmill 5 times in those 7 days. Not bad. I've been doing 30 minutes of something, either just playing with the speed and incline myself, or doing a pre-set workout. I've given myself the minimum timeframe of 30 minutes once a day on the treadmill.

- a(nother) membership to Weight Watchers. I'm awful at following the points, but I LOVE their tallies for water, multivitamin, fruits and veggies, dairy, healthy oils and activity. That alone is worth the $16.95 membership. I love checklists, and I get a kick out of being able to check those off every day. Their materials are really good- I highly recommend the Weight Watchers Shot in the Arm, by Sharon Lee Riguzzi. Its a cute little book with daily thoughts and motivational ideas that stick with you- its available on Amazon for about $5.

- my husband Marmot, who is on this journey with me. This is an awesome thing for me, because it encompasses alot of aspects of life. He's interested in eating better, therefore he's less inclined to say sure when I suggest eating out, and seeing him on the treadmill (and thinking he might lose weight faster!) is big-time motivation for me.

- my job is changing on 1/21 to a Monday through Friday, 8-5 job. Now this is unusual for an RN, and I'm really looking forward to being able to establish a routine- not something I was able to do when I was working 12 hour days in no particular order, nights, weekends, whatever.

Will these things help me? I hope so. I anticipate that this list will change over the next year, but its nice to make a list of the things that you have going for you!

The Beginning of the Journey...

I've been a lurker on many weight-loss blogs, and a half-hearted participant in the local Weight Watchers branch. But the time has come to quit messing around, and get ahold of this beast!

It's been a slow but steady path- a pound here, a pound there. Getting one size bigger jeans just because 'they feel better'. Then realizing that you have no clothes that you're not popping out of. What happened to me?? The dryer is not completely to blame. Dammit. Some days I think Weight Watchers is to blame, because every time I quit going, I gain 10lbs!

This is something that is me- I've seen all the excuses, and they are exactly that- excuses. Big bones? Sure wish I had 125lb bones! Bad genes? Both my Gram's were tiny and never overweight. Mental issues? Well, never mind about that! We can blame it on our fatso culture that screams for its McDonald's and its HUGE restaurant portions yet deifies the stick-like waif models and actresses. But they're still just excuses.

New Year's always brings about resolutions, but sometimes its just something that truly inspires (horrifies??) you into action. Mine is a picture of my Mom and sisters on Christmas Day. You can see the pudge in my fingers! Not ok anymore, I'm no longer going to let this be.

Sometimes I see overweight people in daily life and think, "If they really wanted to lose weight, they would." That is something that is not politically correct- what if they have a thyroid problem?? Yeah right. (Note: I've read about 3% of the population is hypothyroid, which leaves the rest of us chunkies without an excuse.) But I'm actually thinking that it might be down to how badly I want to not be this way.

There is an expression, 'Nothing tastes as good as thin' which bears some thought. What tastes as good as thin? Well actually there is this bakery just a few blocks away, with cinnamon rolls the size of your head, and they have this awesome..... Ahem. What I meant was, there are some things that I think could give thin a run for its money in the taste department! But its taking the step. One step.

Willpower is defined as the ability to exert one's will over one's actions. Its also described as manifesting as inner firmness, decisiveness, determination, resolution and persistence. I think about myself in a non-food sense, and there are times in life where I am just that. Firm. Decisive. Determined. Resolute. Persistant! I can be this way towards my weight.

Thus begins my journey. I'm calling it my lifelong journey because I know its not a temporary thing- cut out the cookies for awhile and get skinny, then eat cookies again. Nope. Oprah even made that mistake- she recently started talking about her weight again, and how she thought she had this all figured out four years ago- but now she's back to 200lbs! She is learning, just as I am, that this has to be a lifestyle change for my life to be what I want.

This blog is to be my outlet- a place to think about what I'm doing in my life, to reflect, and to share. And maybe- just maybe- to encourage others that are in the same journey that I am. Its not an easy one, but we all know a long trip goes by faster in the company of other's. Its time for my journey to begin.