Gym Time!

I have it all set up, I'll be meeting Bridget at the gym at 4:00 to set up a strength training program. I'm aiming for 3 days a week, and doing cardio on my own. We'll see what she says. I'm excited!

I will admit that I was disappointed that the there was only one class after 3:30pm, and it was an intermediate yoga class. The other gym is downtown and quite busy (because its new and has a pool) but I might have to venture down there for classes. I was looking at the Ease into Cycling class, the Cardio Mix and the Strictly Strength. My goal is to have tried at least three different classes by Valentine's Day!


Kari said...
January 27, 2009 at 10:41 AM

can't wait to hear how your session with Bridget went!!