Minor Setback...

I'm writing this from a horizontal position on the couch- actually half the couch, as Max the labrador has the other half. He's such a snuggle-bunny, he likes to keep me company.

I feel like absolute poo. I went into work this morning for a meeting (I actually have this week off!) and just felt sluggish and tired, and my stomach is kind of upset. My husband had a nasty stomach bug last weekend (yes, our anniversary!) with a fever, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, the whole nasty lot. He did lose four pounds, but even with that I'm really hoping that I'm not getting sick!

I'm pushing the water today, and have only halfway written off getting on the treadmill- I'm going to take a nap, and hopefully feel better when I wake up.

The progress so far- I weighed in at 236.5 today, which is down a half pound. I know you're not supposed to weigh every day, but the small victories are sometimes all that keeps me going! lol

And I have followers! Thank you for being my followers! I appreciate you joining me on the journey... :-)