To Walk, or Not to Walk...That is the Question...

I did Jillian's 30 Day Shred on Thursday night and wow, felt it immediately. Could hardly walk the next day, so I just did 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill before work. Was progressively feeling more achy and stiff throughout the day, but mostly just ignored it and took an ibuprofen.

Today- now today I can literally hardly move. It feels like after I had surgery, where I want to avoid flexing my abs! I've also got a head cold well underway, so I'm hitting the Zicam to keep it at bay. I was going to just do 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill today, but got talked out of it by my husband- when your body is healing, don't give it more to heal. Rest is good. So I'm rather disappointed (seriously) but I'm taking the day off from working out at Marmot's request. I'm still not convinced that I shouldn't just do 30 on the treadmill though.....

But the day is not lost! I'm taking some time to relax, read blogs (prepare for an onslaught of comments!) and make a list of books to get at the library. I'm also doing my List of 25 Random Weight-Loss things after seeing Tony's 25 Randoms today. Ok, so maybe a day of relaxing won't be so bad. :-)


Krista said...
January 31, 2009 at 6:10 PM

Rest days are a good thing.

Other good things for stiff sore muscles is a nice bath with some epsom salt ( works) or maybe some light stretching to keep your muscles from getting any stiffer.

Hope you loosen up soon :)