Emotional vs. Boredom Eating

Reading the Winning by Losing book by Jillian Michaels. I'm about 3/4 into the first chapter. She talks about emotional eating, and it got me thinking- I don't know if I'm an emotional eater.

The most miserable time in my life was my skinniest, 2004-2005. I was working out, eating better, and I felt good. The happiest time of my life (the last two years, meeting/dating/marrying my husband) have been the fattest. Fattest to the tune of about 80lbs being packed on from late 2005 through now. What the hell?

I do know that I'm a boredom eater. Like, big time boredom eater. I tried to think back to the last time when my body was physically hungry? Can't remember. Why do I eat? Because its lunch time, not because my body is asking for food. I eat because its time to eat and food is yummy. My family is all about food, our gatherings revolve around food.

I'm reading down these scenarios, and I can't see myself in any of them. What I do see is needing to make sure that I'm actually hungry before I eat. Other than that? I'm not connecting to the emotional eating thing. I'm not sure if I'm completely missing the applicability in my own life, having a glossed-over version of what I think I am, or maybe its just me! But the book is good, I like her style. Its very much like how she talks in the gym, completely straight talk, no BS.

Question- does anyone know where I can get/watch earlier seasons of the Biggest Loser? I got Season 6 on iTunes, but can't find any other ones. Any suggestions?