Photographic Evidence

I recruited my husband into taking 'goodbye' pictures for me. I'm saying goodbye to alot of weight, and I'm going to mark the moment. God bless my husband for doing this, because its got to really suck to take pictures of your wife at her most unattractive. But hey, if this isn't motivation, I don't know what is!


Danielle said...
January 10, 2009 at 12:06 AM

Those are fighting words! You are not unattractive! No amount of fat can take away beauty and you are beautiful (I know, I know, I struggle with the same thing).!

Jenni said...
January 10, 2009 at 9:35 AM

Good for you! While I take a daily self portrait (front and side as well) I haven't yet recruited my husband to do it for me. I'm not sure why not, but I think it's great that you have!

~TMcGee~ said...
January 10, 2009 at 11:08 AM

Well, I have just have to say that you look pretty darn good! I wish I were that small and you are very pretty. :-) I look forward to following your journey.

Vanessa said...
January 10, 2009 at 11:23 AM

Regardless of how much weight you have to lose, you are very pretty! Don't confuse weight and beauty. They don't have anything to do with one another.

You will be so glad you took before pictures! Especially when you can't see the results in the mirror but know you've lost weight. That's when you take a picture and compare the two. :D

Mary Beth said...
January 10, 2009 at 1:22 PM

Hi there,

I stumbled upon your blog from one of the others I follow. I have enjoyed your postings and wanted to send you encouragement. I'm just starting this journey again myself just where you are so I cannot offer any major words of wisdom but just support.

I do want to say congrats that you are starting this now, in your 20's. I lost 40 lbs down to 120 in my early 20's and kept it off for 7-8 years. Then a bad relationship and breakup and life in general led to now 14 years of being obese (I hate that word, it's so ugly). I started off 25 lbs up, then went up and down over the years till I have finally reached the top. I don't share my weight ut I guess I will here and now cause I am the same as you. So here I am looking at wanting to lose 100 + lbs. I have found thru the years that while it is necessary to eat healty at least 90% of the time and keep a active life style it's more important to get to any head issues or problems that made you gain in the first place and learning how to not use food to cope or celebrate in your life. Whew! Long sentence. So I guess that is my piece of advice in my experience. It's hard for me not to look back in regret or punish myself for the past. Which I figured out that I did with my starting of my weight gain. I wanted to see if the guy would still love me even if I was not tan and didn't have a hot body (sorry I did). And then after the breakup instead of expressing my anger outward I turned it inward and hated and abused myself with food and weight. Oh and I can't help but say that the fat is, is, is a protection factor or a suit of protection, at least it was for me. And still is I think in some ways. So alot of it is mental. For me anyway. I can only speak for my own shoes that I walk in.
I wish you much success, You (We) can do this. And we are worth it!!!

Diana said...
January 10, 2009 at 2:29 PM

Rebecca, I know that was hard to do. But you will be glad to have those pictures when you look back at all the progress you've made. I've been looking around for a tripod and how to do the delay on my camera! LOL

And all the comments are right on, you are beautiful!

~Tammy said...
January 13, 2009 at 8:37 PM

I'm so glad you took these photos and you will be too when you see the new you after all the work you put in to yourself in getting there!

Looking forward to seeing your changes as they happen.