
This has been a weird two weeks. I got probably the sickest I've ever been, and I'm still dragging. I've worked two 12-hour shifts this week, one expected and one unexpected- I'm glad I had the day inbetween because I woke up feeling icky again so I ended up just resting most of the day. Today I'm having a hard time staying awake, and I really just want to go home and take a nap!

I weighed in today at 228.8, which means I'm only 0.6lbs above where I was when I got sick. I'm actually really surprised, because there were only a few days where I truly didn't eat anything. And I have not stepped on the treadmill or darkened the doorway of the gym since February 11th. Wow. I also noticed that I should probably get another set of progress pics.

I've been spending quite a bit of my down time reading, which I've really enjoyed- the latest books on my nightstand have been:

*Winning by Losing, by Jillian Michaels
Its a good book. I've been using her food section, which isn't so much of a plan as it is a suggestion (for my metabolic type) to eat a diet of more protein. I've always done well on the Atkins diet, and I knew that I wanted to increase my protein intake so this was a nice way of having actual 'numbers' to work with. The book is strangely motivating. I read it and I get all excited about what I'm doing and how great I'm going to look. And I'm usually immune to all things motivational!

*What to Eat, by Marian Nestle
Its like an aisle-by-aisle explanation of what is better for you, how to know what to choose (normal milk vs. organic milk vs. milk without hormones??) with a splash of food economics for general interest. Its so good that I'm actually going to condense my scribbled notes into a little cheat sheet to take with me to the grocery store!

*Secrets of a Former Fat Girl, by Lisa Delaney
Well this book just goes without saying, and you can win it below! :-)

Hope you are having a great week- its Thursday, which means its almost Friday!


Carlos said...
February 26, 2009 at 3:12 PM

thanks for the great book suggestions. hope you feel better soon

new*me said...
February 26, 2009 at 3:35 PM

I would love to get Jillian's book. I get so motivated by reading stuff like that too!

Can't wait to see your progress pics. I should be doing mine in about a week.

~TMcGee~ said...
February 26, 2009 at 4:31 PM

I'm sorry to hear you've been so sick. :-( I hope you get to feeling better quickly.

Bonnie said...
February 26, 2009 at 5:03 PM

I'm sorry you are still not feeling better. Hope things change soon.