Run Fatboy Run

Have you seen this movie? I'm not really a fan of Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead totally creeped me out) but it was really good. I could really identify with poor Dennis building his running habit...and the movie was just plain funny.

I am incredibly sore today after my strength routine yesterday, full body head-to-toe damn it hurts. Thank god for ibuprofen. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical today, and I was pretty proud. I threw a towel over the monitor so I wasn't so focused on the minutes, and watched half the Season 6 finale of Biggest Loser. It was on low settings, but last week I did 10 minutes and my lungs started burning, and that didn't happen until 25 minutes. :-)

Food has not been so good today- old habits reared their heads, and I totally went for the chai latte and the cake donuts. I'm not going to beat myself up about it though. Tomorrow is grocery shopping day with my handsome husband and I'm excited about doing some meal planning. A normal M-F schedule is a wonderful thing!

Next post is giveaway! :-)


~TMcGee~ said...
February 6, 2009 at 10:52 PM

Oh man, I LOVE Simon Pegg movies! LOL Shaun of the Dead is one of my all time favorites and Run Fat Boy Run was great too. He also has another movie called Hot Fuzz, it's dark comedy but it's quite funny (well, to me anyway lol).