It's Not an Option

I'm so glad that people are excited about the giveaway! I can totally see these becoming a regular feature, its so much fun....any requests??

Yesterday was my second run through my strength routine at the gym. It pushes me! I'll be honest, I was doing leg curls and the last three reps of my 2nd set, my quads were burning, almost to the point where my eyes were tearing up. But two things came to mind- one, something I read on someone's blog about not shying away from pain. Why is it that we think we can be fit and healthy without sweat or pain? Now unhealthy pain isn't good, but the burn of a good muscle workout is exactly what's supposed to happen. I was doing plank exercises with the trainer during my program setup and was supposed to hold for 20 seconds, and I stopped at 18, saying I give up. He asked me why? I don't remember what I said, but I remember thinking because it hurt dumbass, why would I keep going when my arms are on fire and my whole body shakes because my abdominals are as strong as noodles????? I give up alot on workouts, always looking for the easy way out. But yesterday, I was reminding myself that relaxing and maybe not doing the full extension to minimize the burn, is not going to help me accomplish what I want it to! I'm working on pictures, and I have the perfect skinny picture- I'll post it soon and I think I'm going to stick a copy on my treadmill. I know what I want to accomplish, I know exactly what I want to look like and it will not happen by taking the easy way out.

The second things is something I read in a book, Secrets of a Former Fat Girl. I'm about halfway through it, and if it continues to be as good as as the first half has been, it may just be the next giveaway. She had a mantra of sorts called 'Its Not an Option' when it comes to breaking the rules. I decided to pick two reasonable rules. (No trying to hold yourself to 8 Jillian-style workouts a week or something that you know isn't going to happen!) I would so much rather be perfect on my calorie counting than exercise, so I made exercise my INO items- my 3x/week strength training rule, and my 3x/week 30-minute cardio rule. Case in point: I wanted to skip yesterday, because it was my day off and I had alot of stuff going on. But I laced up my trainers and told myself that not working out is not an option. I didn't even let myself entertain the idea of not going, I made it work in between everything else I had going on yesterday. And I went. I know it will be another battle tomorrow, but not going is not an option.

So that's my tale for today! I hope you all are having a great Tuesday, here's to a week of good choices and lots of water! :-)


Andrea said...
February 10, 2009 at 2:27 PM

I think that's great that you worked out even though you didn't really want to. I have had days like that where I did NOT want to exercise at all because I was really tired, or that it's way too cold outside to go running, or some other lame excuse, but I always make myself go and exercise because I know that if I don't I will be really dissappointed with myself.
You said it perfectly when you said "not going is not an option." I SO agree with that statement!

Janna said...
February 10, 2009 at 10:05 PM

I LOVE THAT BOOK! I have already passed out copies to friends! I only WISH I had read that book when I started out but either way...I am so glad I read it!

I hope you get as much out of it as I did!


Charlie Hills said...
February 11, 2009 at 8:21 AM

This reminds me of a project where the mantra was, "Failure is not an option." Some time later, after the project failed, someone said, "Well, what do you know. I guess it was an option."

Keep up the good work!

Hilary said...
February 11, 2009 at 6:42 PM

I own and have read Secrets of a Former Fat Girl, and the "It's Not an Option" mantra has always stuck with me! The Beck Diet books mention a similar phrase: "No Choice." Same sort of thing.

Cookie said...
February 13, 2009 at 11:54 AM

Great job sticking to the "It's not an Option" mentality. I should probably check that book out and follow the same philosophy. I am soooo good at talking myself out of everything that I should do, it's quite awful actually. I won't lie either, I have definitely driven my rear all the way to the gym, only to sit there and convince myself while in the parking lot to not go in and go back home! I know, pathetic, that mantra would do wonders for me, I definitely need to give it a shot!

Ria said...
February 15, 2009 at 1:51 PM

Looks like a great book! Did you know the author has a blog? It looks interesting, although it seems like she doesn't post to it that regularly at this point. The link is:

Anyway, congratulations on making yourself just do it! I have to do the same thing when it comes to exercise . . . instead of thinking whether or not I should walk each day, I just put on my shoes and get out the door.