Back in Action!

Yesterday I turned a corner, and I am so much better after the mutant cold/flu episode! I got pink eye on top of that, but that's rapidly improving, and I am one happy girl. :-)

So back to work! I feel like I've lost alot of ground this past week and a half, so I'm excited to get back to the gym. I'm going back on Monday after work for my strength routine, and hitting the treadmill again starting tomorrow. I feel like I was kind of slipping in how hard I was pushing myself on the treadmill after I started the strength routine, so I'm going to do my usual 30 minutes this weekend and then ramp it up bigtime next week.

And I have found my inspiration dress. I've been kind of looking for 'the dress' that I want to get in the size I want to be, which I know is silly but I really want to do it. The dress I've imagined is black, something that shows some skin, a dress that I wouldn't have ever considered wearing at my current weight- or even some past weights! But I really think I found it! I was walking through the subway and saw a shop with a seriously cute black sleeveless sheath style dress, with some white swoopy colorblocks on it. I was kind of daydreaming (or in a Theraflu haze) but it caught my attention and stopped me in my tracks. I should have just gone into the store yesterday, but I'm calling the store today to see what brand and how much. I'm hoping to find it online, and post a picture of it! And maybe, just maybe, get it if its not exorbitant.

And really, there may be a purpose. I just have this feeling about the girl that my cousin Dave is dating right now, I really think there may be a wedding, like maybe spring 2010. I would be at my goal weight by then, and I have to have something to wear, right?! :-)

Incidentally, during all this dress browsing, I think I found the dress that Heba wore on the Finale of BL Season 6, from Nordstroms. It was a cute dress, but she really needed a better bra! :-O

I hope you all have had a great week, and here's to an awesome weekend!


sarah sundae said...
February 21, 2009 at 6:40 PM

Glad you are feeling better! I love that dress!

Lainey said...
February 22, 2009 at 1:26 AM

RYC: I wish I could up my calories, but I already eat quite a lot! How many calories do you eat a day?

Carlos said...
February 22, 2009 at 10:27 AM

glad you are on the dress, just saying

Sarah said...
February 22, 2009 at 11:53 AM

Glad you are feeling better, that dress is beautiful.