The Good and the Bad

The Bad (I always like to get the bad over with first!) is that I've been so sick this weekend! I went to the ER and got a neb treatment to help my breathing on Wednesday night, but felt better on Thursday so I thought I was getting over it. Its gone downhill over the day, and my Dad (an MD) looked at my throat with a flashlight and said its about 2/3 closed. Its the nurses battle of do I go in and risk looking like I'm overreacting and freaking out --or-- do I wait until I can't breathe and have to get intubated when I walk in the door. Hmm. I know I'm totally overthinking it, but still. I'm going to be up for a few more hours yet, and Will is going to look at my throat again (after 600mg ibuprofen) and see if I'm getting better or worse.

The Good: I'm losing weight pretty quickly during all this! lol I weighed in today at 228.0 and I'm loving it. Although I did look in the mirror today and think damn, my face looks puffier even with weight loss, what the hell. Yeah RN, you have lymph nodes. Don't worry everyone, I'm safely confined in an office and don't actually take care of patients.

Just for icing on the cake? We don't have a working shower. I love our 95 year old house, but when the plumbing explodes (and we only have one bathroom) so you have to order parts from god knows where. We went to my Mom's for showers today, then Marmot brought me home and tucked me back into the couch. Valentine's Day is a sweet holiday, but true love is when you have a husband who will still kiss you when he tucks you in, even when you're hacking and disgusting. I'm a lucky woman. :-)


Bonnie said...
February 15, 2009 at 9:25 AM

Hope you feel better soon! My boys and I have all had to deal with the upper respiratory infection over the last 2 weeks. I haven't been able to completely get over my cough yet, and my youngest had to get breathing treatments for his infection. I hate giving neb treatments to him at 3:00 in the morning. At least you have some great loss to celebrate!

Ria said...
February 15, 2009 at 1:53 PM

Sorry you're not feeling well . . . hope you recover soon.

Congrats on the loss, and I feel you on the old plumbing . . . I live in an apartment building of the same vintage as your house, so I've been there.

Jane said...
February 16, 2009 at 9:34 AM

Thanks for your comments and for giving me the article about how the scale fluctuates during the week. Interesting stuff and totally makes sense.
Your husband is such a sweetheart, it is the best to have a partner who looks after you! :)
Feel better!