Shameless Bragging (You've Been Warned!)

So I think I've had an epiphany. I think I actually enjoy physical activity. Its amazing to me. I used to say exercise was bad for my health, because my thighs would rub together and set my shorts on fire. But I've done some serious physical activity, and a fire extinguisher was not needed a single time.

Please allow me a moment to brag, because I am so dang proud of myself.

On Saturday my dear Biggest Loser friend Stacey and I decided to go for a bike ride on Douglas Trail, which starts near Stacey's house. It wasn't bad and I was even able to walk the next day. Imagine my surprise when we calculated that we did 12 miles, plus a killer hill!

Next day I did 20 minutes on the treadmill to work out the kinks in my legs, and ran for three minutes of it, which amazes me because its been SO long since I've ran.

Yesterday I was inspired by the Best of Spark People email about your pet being a good exercise partner, so Max (picture below) and I went out for a walk. Now he's not used to being an exercise partner so I was alternating between dragging him and being dragged, but we did a serious four mile walk. And I will never ever trust my weather-obsessed husband for the forecast, because he said oh it will be nice honey! Nice translated into getting drenched and hailed on two miles from home. But we slogged through, and made it home soaking wet and covered in mud. But Max slept like a log last night!

Today was a 3.5 mile bike ride with my husband to Great Harvest for fresh bread, and a stop at the Good Food store for the fake egg salad (tofu) to go on it! It was fun to do that with Marmot, I think we're going to make that a tradition. The biggest high of the entire time was my husband being winded and I wasn't. He's always been in good shape, but the desk job is catching up with him. I was so proud of myself!

The weirdest thing is that after all this, I'm looking forward to doing more. I'm psyched about doing the four mile walk with Max again tomorrow, he has a new Gentle Leader collar and I think he could be the perfect exercise buddy!

So yeah, I apologize for the bragging but this has been an amazing week. I have not dropped a pound, but I'm still psyched!


Beth @ fatbustermack said...
April 21, 2009 at 9:24 PM

Yay for Non Scale Victories! It's great to be doing the right things!

Bonnie said...
April 22, 2009 at 6:53 AM

Good for you! Keep bragging away!

Ria said...
April 22, 2009 at 7:08 AM

What a great, positive post! You go, girl . . . exercise is definitely the key to long-term fitness.

♥ Dee ♥ said...
April 22, 2009 at 10:24 AM

You have EVERY right to brag!! You are AMAZING!!!

Just remember, you have to ease your dog into the lifestyle, too, if he's not used to it.

Carlos said...
April 22, 2009 at 12:38 PM

I used to say I don't run unless something is chasing me... I don't need that joke anymore and am glad you don't need yours. kick ass nsv's brag away!

Fat[free]Me said...
April 22, 2009 at 1:53 PM

You should brag - that is all excellent news.

Keep it up - you will feel even better for it!

~Tammy said...
April 23, 2009 at 7:37 PM

Your new work out partner is gorgeous.

It's not bragging it's pride!