Breaking News!!

I think I know why I haven't been losing weight!!!!!!

Breefawn on Spark People (love love love that site) had something about Basal Metabolic Rate on her SparkPage, so I calculated mine. My body uses 1810 calories a day for breathing, pumping blood, metabolizing food, just existing! I had set my calories at 1500-1700 (based on a calculator I did in January-ish). Which means I wasn't even eating enough calories for my body to exist, let alone adding in all the amazing exercise I've been doing! Bree suggested eating at least my BMR in calories, and if I'm still hungry to eat no more than half of what I did in exercise.

And it gets better:

MrsPrincess07 (also on SP) said here's a calculator to figure out what you should be eating everyday based on your weight, height, age and body fat. To lose weight, it said I should be eating between 2081-2212 or 2007-2133 calories a day based on light activity 1-3 days a week. OMG!

SO. I'm re-adjusting my calories to I think 1800-2000 a day. And I'm going to keep doing the exercise, because I love it! And I am SOOOOO excited!!


Fat[free]Me said...
April 27, 2009 at 3:40 PM

I had the same revelation a couple of weeks ago and my weight loss has been great ever since! What a surprise - eat more, calories and lose more weight - amazing!

Ria said...
April 28, 2009 at 7:19 AM

Congrats on the revelation! We're about the same size, and I aim to eat in the 2,000-2,200 range. It seems to generate a reasonably steady 2 lbs per week . . . and it's a lot easier to stick to than 1,700!

new*me said...
April 30, 2009 at 2:56 PM

Let us know how it works :)