
Ok, so I had a pretty bad start to the week. Not going into details (it involved fried food and alcohol) but it wasn't pretty. Totally came down to the fact that my end goal is to be at a healthy weight to have a healthy pregnancy. I have given myself the ultimatum of not trying until I weigh less than 150lbs. So here again, the baby bug bites me in the ass and I'm only 9.5lbs less than what I started at. I'm pretty proud of the 9.5lbs, but I still have 70-some pounds staring me in the face. I know part of it is being depressed because of the winter and being sick/injured, but mostly its disappointment that I let myself get off track.

So what does that mean?? Its time for a refresh. Renew, remind, refresh. A renewal of what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. A kick in the ass, it's time to get back into gear.

*Goals Back Into Focus- I now have a sidebar list about why I'm doing this.

*Reward List Updated- on the sidebar. I really want a new pair of shoes!

*A New Daily Checklist- vitamin, 64oz. water, 30 minutes of exercise, etc.

*Groceries- I need my staples! Yogurt, 100-calorie packs, pickles and Crystal Light.

*New Tracking System- I love Lose It, but I still need something to track all the stuff on my checklist that isn't tracked in Lose It. I have a checklist program on my iPhone, but I'm wondering if a physical checklist (with pretty colored stars??) to track my progress.

I have a request- would you comment and tell me what you track/measure/obsess over in your daily journey? The best of the bunch will get a free Biggest Loser workout DVD of their choice.

You don't take a long journey without stopping to make sure that you're on the right road, and that you have enough gas to get where you want to go. This is my break in the travel, and now I'm back on the road.


Stephanie said...
March 11, 2009 at 3:15 PM

Hello Rebecca, I love your blog. I am constantly obsessing about my weight loss journey. Currently, I am doing the Weight Watchers program; so I track the following:
1. Food Journal with WW point values.
2. Exercise (any type).
3. Measurements.

I have recently become a Jazzercise instructor, to hold myself accountable for loosing weight. But I also get onto my Wii Fit as much as I can and when I have time, I'll occasionally break out the 'Hip Hop Abs' DVD. If you couldn't tell, I like to dance. :-) As far as my better eating habits, I try at least one new Weight Watchers recipe a week and blog about it. It helps with variety and remembering which ones I like. But I have to say the BIGGEST problem that I have is eating out. When I go to eat out...I know what the better choices are, I just don't pick them. Then I end up regretting it. I wish you luck on your journey and hope that you find lots of love and support.

Jenni said...
March 11, 2009 at 3:22 PM

I am also doing WW, my obsession is looking at the number of points something is worth. If one serving is more than 3 points, I pretty much don't eat it...even if those 3 points are for 2 cups of something. I just have this obsession of not eating anything that is more than 3 points.

Oh, I'll eat more than three points a meal, but no item can be more than 3 points a piece. When I'm shopping, I won't even put it in the cart if it's more...even my husband's ice cream...I make him go out and buy it.

Amy said...
March 11, 2009 at 3:27 PM

I obsess over calories, sodium and protein.
Oh yeah... and making sure that I have 5 hours of workout in a week. That's pretty basic, but it works for me.

Oh yeah... and I'm currently obsessing about a cheeseburger that I want to have after my Biggest Loser work contest is complete.

Janna said...
March 11, 2009 at 3:45 PM


I have also struggled lately and I had to take a step back and remember...that it is one meal at a time, one day at a time! Beating ourselves up does us NO GOOD! I have recently started using LOVE IT! It is so easy and simple to use and has a HUGE database! I too am a WW user...and while I love points I needed something else to look at for awhile.

If you ever need to vent...just email me!


Lainey said...
March 11, 2009 at 6:51 PM

I track my calories, water, exercise (calories burned)...and I think that's it. Oh yeah, and my measurements every 10 lbs.

I could be wrong, but I don't think I obssess over anything anymore.

carla said...
March 12, 2009 at 5:49 AM

no need to enter me BUT I judge by a pair of jeans I know fit me well...when Im eating ok and working out enough.
sure I have jeans which fit when IM KILLING MYSELF TO WORK OUT :) but I dont use is for living and not all working out :)


Helen said...
March 12, 2009 at 9:04 AM

I use (it's free!) to track:

1. Food eaten: shows calories, fat, carbs and protein, plus if you want more, you can see more

2. Activity/Exercise: type, minutes and calories burned

3. Water intake

4. Weight and measurements.

4. Special goals: they have this really neat feature that allows you to set up your own goals & streaks. Right now, I'm tracking a Small Changes Big Results Lenten goal that I set up for myself. Once you have your goal set up, you can even show your streak on your page. Talk about accountability!

I love this site for many other reasons. The food tracker is great because you can customize it - even put in your own recipes to see nutritional values. Also because there are tons of different teams and groups you can join. Other folks in your shoes who can encourage you. There's even one for women who are trying to lose weight before having a baby!

Ria said...
March 15, 2009 at 3:32 PM

I find it really helpful to focus closely on what I'm eating, how much I'm exercising and how I'm progressing in my weight-loss program . . . in my world, inattention to these things resulted in morbid obesity! Here's what I track, using FitDay PC . . .

- calorie intake
- exercise/calories burned
- avg daily calorie deficit (on a weekly basis)
- macronutrient ratio (aiming for 30% fat, 40% carbs, 30% protein) . . . I'm somewhat obsessed with getting enough protein in, so protein shakes are my new BFF
- weight (I weigh daily as part of my plan to make sure I'm focused on my choices, but I report it once per week on Sunday)
- measurements (monthly)