Rounds and Phases, Pounds and Inches!

Now most people call this last week the end of Phase 2 and move on to Phase 3, as per Dr. Simeon’s protocol. The reasoning was because of the immunity that the body can build up towards the Hcg. Immunity has been shown to be less of an issue with the homeopathic Hcg, and some people have had good luck with continuing all the way through to their weight loss goal, and then stabilizing with P3 and P4. Others have had a real hard time stabilizing and been forced to do another round of P2 and then going into P3.
The results are mixed, but I’ve made the decision to continue with P2 for another four weeks. The end of those four weeks marks the beginning of our family vacation to Michigan, and it will be easier for me to survive the week if I’m on P3! I had considered going all the way through to my goal on R1, but I think for my sanity it would be best to have the break in the middle.

Now I’m a very particular planner (obsessive-compulsive? lol) so I have it mapped out to goal. With the three weeks of P3 and three weeks of P4, I’ll be starting R2P2 on October 17th! If all goes well with extending P2, I’ll continue on R2P2 until we go to Mississippi for Christmas on December 23rd, so R2P2 would be approximately 9 weeks. When we get back, P3 and P4 push things out to the end of January and I can hopefully take care of those last few pounds in a normal length round. Perfect timing, because P4 would start around the time that we want to start trying to start a family! My ultimate goal for my weight loss is to be a hot sexy pregnant mama, so the timing would be great if it works out like that.

When we decided in January of this year that we wanted to start trying for a family next spring, I panicked when I thought of adding pregnancy weight and risks to my 237lb body. I started in earnest, but was so frustrated after 5 months of restrictive eating and exercise yielded a loss of only 7.2lbs. I read a saying that said the future will be here, regardless if we achieve what we want in the time that passes, which made me really think about the fact that I want to achieve my goal weight before we get pregnant- because that time will be here, whether or not I lose the weight. So I’m doing it, and I’m so thankful for Hcg!