R1P2 - The Third Week

July 11 – down 1.2lbs, officially into the 210’s!!

July 12 – down 0.8lbs!

July 13 – up 0.4lbs – I was naughty, I had a piece of cheese last night.

July 14 – down 0.8lbs! I’m drinking lots of water, the dry skin is much better!

July 15 – no loss/gain – I had Ryvita crackers yesterday, going to skip that today and see if I lose!

July 16 – down 1.2lbs! Two compliments today on how good I look- and I bought shirts a size smaller last night!

July 17 – down another 1.2lbs! I’m 0.6 away from the weight I was the day I got married…wow!

Weight Analysis: Total weight loss this week was 4.8lbs, with my ending weight for the week at 215.6lbs. I’ve lost a total of 15.2lbs in three weeks!

Physical: My dress pants are almost baggy in the butt, and I just bought a couple Life is Good tshirts in Large! This week I noticed my hipbones when I put my hands on my hips- why hello old friends, haven’t seen you for awhile!